H Butler Creek

Date of survey: 09/10/2016
Volunteer Names: Jonathan Bailey and Gavin Bailey

There was no sign of beaver activity at Butler Creek.

Beginning at Butler Creek and moving north, stream flow was consistently very, very low and in places Butler Creek could be traversed with a single step. Human activity is very high with houses visible at all times and a significant amount of trash on the stream bed.

Near Binford Reservoir the eastern channel of Butler Creek was completely dry with no evidence of recent stream flow.

Binford Reservoir itself is home to ducks but no beaver. The locals we asked said they had never heard of a beaver in the park and that the nutria had been eradicated by the city years ago.

Continuing from Binford Reservoir to 14th, the western culvert under the road was dry as was the western branch of the creek. At the northern part of the reach there was a great deal of human trash and some evidence of camping. The stream volume here is also very low with low growth that extends over the creek.

We did see a rabbit.

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