Fish passage work continues in Mitchell Creek!

JCWC recently completed another fish passage project in Mitchell Creek, a cold water tributary to Kelley Creek near Pleasant Valley. Since 2015 we have been working to restore fish passage throughout this important cold water stream with the ultimate goal of enabling salmon and steelhead to reach the protected headwaters, owned by Metro. In 2019 we identified a passage barrier on private land immediately downstream from the culvert crossing at Baxter Road, however locating and contacting the landowner proved challenging. Ultimately, we made contact and obtained permission to evaluate the barrier and work to develop a solution. The barrier turned out to be approximately 3 cubic yards of concrete that was poured in place inside the creek channel presumably to impound water. Working with the landowner and a new contracting partner, GPT Construction, LLC. we were able to remove this barrier and restore passage all the way up to SE 162nd Avenue where a City of Portland culvert is the last barrier to the headwaters. Funding for this project was provided by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.

Concrete debis blocking fish passage in Mitchell Creek, looking upstream
Mitchell Creek looking upstream after removal of concrete barrier!
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