This Watershed Wide season saw the first Bilingual Spanish- English led site at Main City Park. Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s Bilingual Nature Interns made this event a huge success!
There were 500 live staked trees put into the ground and 35 people that came to join in on the tree planting.
Cecilia Nunez-Rodriguez, Martina Avendano, and Brenda Chavez led and translated the bilingual Spanish-English Watershed Wide Event at Main City Park in coordination with staff at City of Gresham. They conducted outreach in the community and behind the scenes work in digital media and communications. Read more about their background.
Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC) has regularly occurring Bilingual Nature programs led by youth from various communities who intern with JCWC to gain professional skills and create events in their native language and for their cultural community. Past events have been in Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, Zomi, Vietnamese and Somali. JCWC is working to incorporate bilingual and bicultural events into all of our recurring programing. This is the first year we had a bilingual Watershed Wide event with multilingual leaders to lead with our other government and local partners.

A big thank you goes out to Bureau of Environmental Services Community Watershed Stewardship Program for funding the payment of interns and additional supplies for this event.
This Watershed wide 2020 season had 10 sites, 6,350 native plants in the ground & 5 acres of invasive gone at the 22nd annual Watershed Wide Event on Saturday. Thank you to the 330 volunteers who made this happen!
Thank you also to our finders & partners:
The Mintkeski Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, Clackamas County’s Water Environment Services, Portland General Electric, East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Portland Parks & Recreation, City of Gresham, Crystal Springs Partnership, Friends of Tideman Johnson, Leach Garden Friends, Friends of Trees, Overland Park Coalition, Americold, Portland Mercado, Tortilleria y Tienda de Leon, and the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services.
Many groups turned out. Thank you to:
Amazon PDX5, Bureau of Environmental Services, Carollo Engineering, Clackamas National Honor Society, CLackamas Rotary Club, Clackamas Women’s Correctional, Cub Scout Pack 94, Cub Scouts Pack 6, Girl Scout Troop 10631, OTAK engineering, Providence Express Care, Reed College, Sam Barlow Key club, Troutdale Cub Scouts Pack 6, WSP Engineering, Sound Native Plants.
We could not have done it without our organizational partners who helped run and manage sites during watershed wide! Shout out to the following groups that helped make Watershed Wide 2020 a reality:
Friends of Trees City of Gresham (Official Government) Leach Botanical Garden Portland Parks & Recreation Crystal Springs Partnership