Farewell, Jack!

– Jack Halsey, Outreach an Riparian Specialist, Confluence AmeriCorps Member 2018-2019

The past year serving with JCWC has been amazing. I have grown so much personally and professionally, and have met the most amazing people. It has been inspiring to see the dedication of community members, partners, and Council staff, board, and volunteers in this work. The passion of this community makes Johnson Creek a truly special place.

The cold winter mornings were worth getting up for because of the smiling volunteers, the enthusiastic work crews (shout out to Wisdom of the Elders and NCCC Blue 7!), and the curious birds watching us work. The difficult discussions around justice and equity work were motivated by seeking out discomfort, and using that to know when I was headed in the right direction. And taking on long hours to organize field trips for hundreds of students- that was inspired by the joy of seeing kids realize their curiosity for nature. Thank you to everyone that I have worked with along the way- stay in touch!

Photo by Bruce MacGregor

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