Next May Johnson Creek Watershed Council will turn 25. As a community, we’ve done a tremendous amount of restoration, and the creek and the people & wildlife that depends on it have benefited.
In the past quarter century, we–many thousands of us–have planted between 400,000 & 500,000 trees and shrubs in the watershed, added hundreds of logs to the stream for fish habitat, removed/replaced/retrofitted half a dozen culverts to improve fish passage, gathered environmental data in dozens of community science projects. And this just scratches the surface of what we’ve all been able to accomplish together.
Thank you to Russ Stoll and Marty Urman for their great creative work in designing our 25th anniversary logo!
You may already have received a postcard in the mail with our new logo.
On that postcard we ask you to invest in Johnson Creek’s future by giving to Johnson Creek Watershed Council online HERE. All gifts between now and January 15 will be matched up to a total of $12,500 by four friends: the Mintkeski Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, the Wilson Family Foundation, Freeway Land II and MODA Health. You can also send a check to 4033 SE Woodstock Blvd / Portland, OR 97202 or text “Donate” to 503-386-9883.