Brannen Natural Area Stewardship Day

Please join Portland Parks and Recreation and the Crystal Springs Partnership for a Stewardship Day at Brannen Natural Area! Tending to this important natural area will positively impact the health of Crystal Springs Creek and the surrounding habitat. Registration is required. Please register here. What: We will be cutting blackberry, pruning trees and shrubs, and spreading […]

Warbler Walk at Scouters Mountain

It is Spring migration season for Warblers! Join us on this trail walk to learn more about these colorful songbirds. For many bird watchers, warblers are the highlight of the migration season, and they never disappoint! Although small in size, warblers are not always difficult to see as they are active feeders, brightly colored, and […]

Rescheduled – Earth Day at 7th Street Bridge Gresham

Join us in mulching all of the plants that have gone in during our Watershed Wide Event. Last year with your help we were able to mulch over 1000 plants! Mulch helps the soil around the plant retain more moisture throughout the summer helping them survive the heat!   Click here to RSVP   What: […]

Habitat Enhancement at Tideman Johnson

Tideman Johnson Natural Area SE 37th Ave & Tenino St , Portland, OR

Join the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council for a morning of stewardship and habitat enhancement! Tideman Johnson is a small but sweet park along Johnson Creek and the Springwater Corridor Trail in SE Portland. No experience necessary! Click here to RSVP What: Native plantings, litter pickup, and invasive weed […]

Public Board Meeting

JCWC Board meetings are held virtually on the 2nd Monday of odd-numbered months, from 5:30pm-7:00pm.  All are welcome. Join the Zoom meeting with this link or phone number: Meeting ID: 811 9232 0121 Passcode: 795309 One tap mobile +12532158782,,81192320121#,,,,*795309# US (Tacoma) +12532050468,,81192320121#,,,,*795309# US"

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