No Ivy Day at Indian Creek Natural Area

Join Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Portland Parks & Recreation to protect trees by clearing ivy from around them at this little Natural Area through which Indian Creek runs on its way to Johnson Creek. This day is part of the city-wide effort to remove Ivy!  CLICK HERE TO RSVP What: Join us with partner […]

Habitat Enhancement with Crystal Springs Partnership

Please join the Crystal Springs Partnership at the  Westmoreland’s Union Manor to plant native shrubs and remove non-native weeds. CLICK HERE TO RSVP What: We will be planting native shrubs and removing non-native weeds. When: Sunday, October 29th, 9:AM-noon Where: Westmoreland’s Union Manor, 6404 SE 23rd Ave, Portland, OR 97202  - Please park on 23rd […]

Habitat Enhancement at Tideman Johnson

Tideman Johnson Natural Area SE 37th Ave & Tenino St , Portland, OR

Join the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council for a morning of stewardship and habitat enhancement! Tideman Johnson is a small but sweet park along Johnson Creek and the Springwater Corridor Trail in SE Portland. No experience necessary! RSVP HERE! When: Saturday, November 4th,  9am-12pm(first Saturday of the month) Where: […]

Habitat Enhancement at Leach Botanical Garden

Join us in removing invasive weeds from the Leach Botanical Garden! This work helps to create new spaces and supports our collaborative Back 5 educational project. No experience necessary! The Leach Botanical Garden is a hidden gem in outer SE Portland. Beyond the manicured paths of the garden are several acres of forests and fields […]

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