World Fish Migration Day 3 events!

World Fish Migration Day 2014 (WFMD) on May 24th is a global initiative, with local events worldwide, to create awareness on the importance of open rivers and migratory fish. WFMD is held to improve the publics’ understanding of the importance of open rivers and migratory fish and their needs. Locally, Johnson Creek Watershed Council will host […]

Green Street PDX Block Party

Corner of SE 92nd & Foster Rd. 5815 SE 92nd Ave., Portland, OR

Join the celebration dedicated to Portland`s Green Street Stewards Program, and learn how you can get involved and join the fun! Enjoy a scavenger hunt, raffle, partner organization`s  booths, and food and drinks. Green Streets filter storm water to help restore creek health, while creating green space to enhance the livability of neighborhoods. Block party is free- all […]


Science Talk on Prehistoric Lamprey and Willamette Falls Tour

Greater Oregon City Watershed Council will be selling lamprey shirts at the talk for $25. Tour has reached maximum  capacity-however, we are still taking RSVPs for the Science Talk. Join us for a Science Talk : \"Belly-Up to Willamette Falls; Prehistoric Lamprey in a Modern Landscape\". Pacific lamprey have survived for more than 500 million […]

Dig With Dignitaries at Milwaukie Riverfront Park!

You and your family are invited to ‘dig with dignitaries’ to celebrate the groundbreaking of Phase II of Milwaukie Riverfront Park as part of the First Friday festivities on June 6, 2014, at 4 p.m. near the Jefferson Street Boat Ramp. There will be toy hard hats and shovels for the kids to help kick-off […]


Urban Weeds Workshop

East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District office 5211 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR

Weeds – we all have them. Come to this FREE workshop and learn how to identify the most common garden and landscape weeds along with some of the other more notorious plant invaders of the region. We will walk you through how these aggressive plants take over in your yard and provide some simple yet […]

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