Johnson Creek Park Steward Meet-up / Picnic / Tour

Come one, come all!  We invite all Johnson Creek Park Stewards you to a celebratory meet-up/picnic/tour at Johnson Creek Park.  This is a great opportunity to meet other volunteers, eat some food, and share your stories, accomplishment, and restoration techniques as we monitor wildlife and help prevent the spread of invasive plants. The event is […]

Johnson Creek Charity Golf Classic

Eastmoreland Golf Course 2425 SE Bybee Blvd., Portland, OR, United States

Photography by Bruce MacGregor Join us for the 3rd annual Johnson Creek Charity Golf Classic, at Eastmoreland Golf Course. RSVP on our Facebook Page Johnson Creek Charity Golf Classic Flyer (cost to play is $100 as of July 1st) Player Sign Up Form Hole Sponsorship Form - Prices - Team Foursome Registration --- $400 Individual Players […]

Habitat enhancement at Leach Botanical Garden

Join us in removing invasive weeds from the Leach Botanical Garden! This work helps to create new spaces and supports our collaborative Back 5 educational project. No experience necessary! The Leach Botanical Garden is a hidden gem in outer SE Portland. Beyond the manicured paths of the garden are several acres of forests and fields […]

Gresham Japanese Garden Work Party

Gresham’s Japanese Garden needs our help! Join us and the Friends of Gresham Japanese Garden for a morning of lots of work and lots of fun!    SIGN-UP HERE!   WHAT - Gresham Japanese Garden Johnson Creek bank restoration and building of path! Tasks include fortifying the south side of Tsuru Island with plant material, […]

Johnson Creek Nature Walk

Join us on Saturday, June 11th for a FREE guided nature walk followed by a stewardship event. We’re partnering with North Clackamas Parks and Recreation and the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services to put on this exciting two-part event. Please REGISTER HERE. If there is more than one person coming with you, each […]

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