Bioswale Beautification at Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church

What: Clearing vegetation from 1242 sq. feet of a bioswale in the parking lot. We like to do this in the summer to make sure it’s cleared and draining properly when the rains come in the fall. And, as an added bonus, the timing of the event is before the Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church’s […]

Dragonfly Days

Dragonfly Days are here! We’re celebrating our favorite flying friends with two days of activities, art, and crafts for kids and adults alike. Dragonflies and damselflies are beautiful and friendly insects that neither bite nor sting. Join us on Thursday, June 23rd from 5pm - 7pm at Tegart Ponds in Gresham. You can… Watch dragonfly […]

Gresham-Fairview Trail birdwatching walk

Join us on Saturday, June 25th from 9am - 11am for a FREE guided birdwatching walk along the Gresham-Fairview Trail! Learn the basics of birdwatching and how to identify some common feathered friends by sight and sound. If you’ve always wanted to know more about the birds you see in your backyard but didn’t know […]

Habitat Enhancement with the Crystal Springs Partnership

Join us in working with the Crystal Springs Partnership and Westmoreland Union Manor for a morning of stewardship!   RSVP HERE!   WHAT: We will be removing non-native and less desirable plants and mulching.   WHEN: Saturday June 25th, 9am-12noon   WHERE: Westmoreland Union Manor, 6404 SE 23rd. Ave.   HOW TO PREPARE: No experience […]

Virtual Board Meeting

Join in our virtual board meeting coming up, open to all community members! Second Mondays, every month from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Even months we discuss in-depth topics. Odd months we discuss general board topics. No need to sign up in advance, joining information is below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 829 1130 5391 Passcode: […]

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