Habitat Enhancement at Leach Botanical Garden

Join us in removing invasive weeds from the Leach Botanical Garden! This work helps to create new spaces and supports our collaborative Back 5 educational project. No experience necessary!   The Leach Botanical Garden is a hidden gem in outer SE Portland. Beyond the manicured paths of the garden are several acres of forests and […]

Volunteer Appreciation Party

RSVP for the Volunteer Appreciation Harvest Party HERE Calling all current and past Johnson Creek Watershed Council volunteers! Join us November 10th from 6-8pm to celebrate all of the hard work and dedication that you provide to the watershed. You can expect:  Dinner  Presentation by C. Zee Searles Mazzacano, Ph.D. on macroinvertebrate monitoring  Watershed Trivia […]

Virtual Board Meeting

Join in our virtual board meeting coming up, open to all community members! Second Mondays, every month from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Even months we discuss in-depth topics. Odd months we discuss general board topics. No need to sign up in advance, joining information is below: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82911305391?pwd=VUtLUzNZV2hjUDREWXRKd2EyWHhVdz09 Meeting ID: 829 1130 5391 Passcode: […]

Habitat Enhancement at Tideman Johnson

Join the Friends of Tideman Johnson Park and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council for a morning of stewardship and habitat enhancement! Tideman Johnson is a small but sweet park along Johnson Creek and the Springwater Corridor Trail in SE Portland. No experience necessary! RSVP HERE! When: Saturday, December 3rd,  9am-12pm(first Saturday of the month) Where: […]

Habitat Enhancement with the Crystal Springs Partnership

Join the Crystal Springs Partnership for a morning of stewardship! RSVP HERE! WHAT: We will be removing non-native and less desirable plants and mulching. WHEN: Tuesday December 6th, 9am-12noon WHERE: Eastmoreland Golf Course: 2425 SE Bybee Blvd. Meet behind the club house. HOW TO PREPARE: No experience necessary! Wear thick pants, a long sleeve shirt, and sturdy […]

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