Habitat Enhancement at Errol Heights

Join the Friends of Errol Heights, Johnson Creek Watershed Council, and Portland Parks & Recreation at the newly renovated Errol Heights Park for a morning of stewardship! We are working to revegetate areas that were disturbed during the recent construction. This park is home to a plethora of wildlife including beaver, woodpeckers, ducks, and dragonflies! […]

Habitat Enhancement with Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Join JCWC and the members of the St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church to clear out a rain garden! We helped to install this rain garden back in 2013 and have been helping to maintain it ever since. Rain gardens help to reduce flooding, remove pollutants from runoff, and function as refuge for pollinators. During this […]

Dragonfly Day

En Español and Русский Russian form - scroll to bottom Dragonfly Day is here! We’re celebrating our favorite flying friends with a bunch of fun activities that kids and adults will enjoy! Join us on Saturday, June 29th from 1pm - 3pm at Tegart Ponds in SW Gresham. You can… Whatever you do, don’t miss […]

Johnson Creek Outfall Surveys

When storm water is redirected away from roads and other structures, it is often funneled out through outfalls which deposit the storm water into streams like Johnson Creek. This outfall water will regularly contain varying amounts of fertilizer, lawn chemicals, heavy metals, highway runoff, and other chemicals that are toxic to salmonids and other life. […]

Habitat Enhancement at Leach Botanical Garden

Join us in removing invasive weeds from the Leach Botanical Garden! This work helps to create new spaces and supports our collaborative Back 5 educational project. No experience necessary! Since 2018 Johnson Creek Watershed Council has been working with a group of partners to restore 5 acres on the east side of Leach Botanical Garden […]

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