Mark Your Calendars: Dragonfly Survey Orientation!

Sign up today to become a dragonfly surveyor with Johnson Creek Watershed Council! As a dragonfly surveyor, you will collect data on dragonfly and damselfly species throughout Johnson Creek. No previous experience is required. Come spend some time in the sun learning about odonates (dragonflies & damselflies) with us!

On Saturday June 2nd, from 9:00am-4:00pm, entomologist extraordinaire Celeste Searles Mazzacano and JCWC staff will host a Dragonfly Surveyor Orientation. Location for this orientation in SE Portland is not yet set, and registrants will be notified a week ahead of time. We will train you how to identify multiple dragonfly and damselfly species and how to record this data to inform future scientific endeavors. We wish to send a warm thanks to Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, and East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District for making these surveys possible. Now that we understand migratory dragonfly distribution can be an indicator of wetland health, the information surveyors gather is even more significant to our work protecting and restoring Johnson Creek!

Registration for surveyor orientation is now live HERE.

How the surveys work: JCWC staff provides you with training and gear, volunteers work as a small team to conduct surveys of selected sites in the Johnson Creek watershed. Surveyors commit to four surveys from June through September (one survey per month). Each survey takes approximately two hours, not including travel time , and connects you with other environmental enthusiasts and professionals. These surveys are a favorite staple in JCWC’s Community Science program!


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