Daniel G.S. Newberry to be Executive Director of the Johnson Creek Watershed Council

Daniel Newberry(Milwaukie, OR) – The Board of Directors of the Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC) is proud to announce the selection of Daniel Newberry as the organization’s next Executive Director. He will be relocating to the watershed area from Southern Oregon and will begin his role leading the Council on February 26, 2015.

Newberry is succeeding previous Executive Director Matt Clark, who stepped down last month to move to South America with his family after seven successful years leading the organization.

Newberry joins the organization with experience leading environmental nonprofit organizations, as an accomplished scientist, and a recognized expert on watershed issues. He will be leaving his current position of Executive Director of the Siskiyou Field Institute in Selma, OR, and has previously served as the Principal Consultant at Newberry Watershed Consulting and Executive Director of the Applegate River Watershed Council in Jacksonville, OR. He has worked both as a federal and tribal hydrologist and as an educator.

Newberry earned his Masters Degree in Forest Science from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and completed his Bachelor of Arts in Physics in Middlebury College.

“Daniel Newberry is the perfect fit for where the Council is now, and also where we see our future growth,” said board chair Russ Mantifel. “He brings with him a compelling vision for the Watershed Council, a passion for engaging volunteers and citizen scientists, and a deep understanding of the Council’s model of community engagement and scientific work.”

Newberry was selected following an extensive search which attracted competitive applicants from across the region and the nation.

“I humbled at the opportunity to lead such a high functioning organization,” said Newberry. “With well over a thousand volunteers working on its projects last year, the Council has proven to be a community resource and a community builder. I am excited to be part of that effort.”

Founded in 1995, the Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC) is a grassroots nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote restoration and stewardship of a healthy Johnson Creek Watershed through sound science and community engagement.

The JCWC is viewed within the region as the “voice of the watershed,” the one entity that crosses jurisdictional boundaries to advocate for the health and vitality of the whole watershed. It provides the vision and leadership to restore, protect and enhance this valuable community resource.



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