Crystal Springs Partnership Receives Rotary Award

The downtown Portland Rotary Club has named the Crystal Springs Partnership as the recipient of their “Environmental Achievement Award ” for 2018. A few members were invited to their luncheon to receive the award on April 24th, 2018.


The Crystal Springs Partnership were chosen to receive this award because of their extensive, continuous and voluntary restoration work on Crystal Springs Creek and the effort they’ve put into public outreach and education. Rotary first connected with the group after reading the newspaper article about when Crystal Springs Creek was named the first “Salmon Sanctuary’ in the city of Portland. A Rotary representative was given a tour of the various restoration projects on the creek and interviewed Crystal Springs Partnership at great length about the history of the group and their future goals.


The Crystal Springs Partnership have been asked to give a presentation at next year’s awards ceremony highlighting their achievements for this coming year. Congratulations, Crystal Springs Partnership!

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