Crystal Springs Creek, from Johnson Creek Park to Bybee Blvd

Date of survey: 02/25/2017
Volunteers: Kirsten Leising, Wilson Yee

There were many areas we could not see into the creek (backyards, private property) so not the most thorough survey, but water clarity was decent and we could see to the bottom where it was less than 2′ water depth.
Saw a 6-8″ fish breach the surface at Westmoreland Park area near a pool at a tree root mass acting as an undercut on the bank – could be a resident fish and we took a lat/long reading.
Saw many ducks… bufflehead, hooded merganser, and mallard and a kingfisher near Lambert Bridge.
Saw many bivalves in the creek, mostly downstream of Lambert Bridge.
Beautiful day!

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