Creek Crew Cohort is Ready to take on 2018!

On the most gorgeous day of 2018 so far (at 58 degrees!) the world was bathed in crisp light, and a group of dedicated volunteers gathered, hungry to learn what it means to take on the role of Creek Crew Leaders. This committed group was about to learn how to lead small groups at our restoration events all year long.

We started off the day with a potluck (thanks, Bob’s Red Mill for the soup ingredients, and incoming creek crew for the yummy treats!), and ate lunch in the sunshine before the training began.

Creek Crew leaders spent the day learning about the watershed council, getting to know each other, and got trained in 3 main areas:

1. How to lead the registration table,

2. How to foster inclusivity and community during the safety talk huddle they will lead with their volunteer groups, and

3. How to plant native plants in three different ways: container plants, bare root plants, and live stakes.

Past Creek Crew leaders helped to train our incoming crew, and showed them different leadership styles. Friendships began to develop, stories were shared, and connections were made in the incoming cohort. We heard from our past Creek Crew leaders about why they found the volunteer position to be meaningful, and we heard from many about the importance of community, a place of belonging, and the ability to work together on a common goal, especially in times that tend to divide us ever further.

The day ended with a silly (beanie) crowning ceremony and lots of laughs.

Our amazing videography team was there capturing the day as well-stay tuned for cool video footage soon!

Check out the photos from the day on facebook here!

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We are hiring a new Executive Director!
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