Come Count Fish With Us!

The arrival of winter means Lamprey and Steelhead Surveys are upon us! JCWC Community Outreach Coordinator, Adrienne, writing here to personally invite you to Lamprey & Steelhead Surveyor Orientation. But first, a little bit of vocabulary…..

  • LAMPREY: Also known as Eel, Lamprey are slender prehistoric fish with distinct jawless and funnel-like mouths. Two species, Pacific Lamprey and Brook Lamprey, are Native to the Pacific NW. Lamprey are significant culturally and ecologically to this area. In recent years, Western Science has begun to learn from Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) about these incredible species, and restoration efforts are underway by many Tribes and organizations.
  • STEELHEAD: An anadramous species of Trout often confused with Salmon. Steelhead have the ability to spawn multiple times, travelling to fresh water from the Pacific Ocean more than once to do so in nests we call redds. Both Lamprey and Steelhead build redds in streambeds during winter months to lay their eggs, beginning the new generation.
  • SURVEY: A scientific monitoring activity performed by Community Scientists and trained professionals alike to document the distribution of certain wildlife and plant species. Surveyors collect data that helps inform restoration and conservation efforts. With proper training, gear and data sheets, almost anyone can contribute in a good way to these efforts in hopes of helping our fish relatives thrive in an ever-changing environment and climate.

Lamprey & Steelhead Surveyor Orientation is scheduled for Saturday, February 16th, from 10am-12:30pm. Click the link to access registration and mark your calendars today! Orientation will be held at the All-Saints Episcopal Church Parish Hall at 4033 SE Woodstock, Blvd., Portland, OR 97202. Experience is not require to survey, but RSVP/registration is. After everyone is trained I will be in touch with a toolkit and schedule via email, so you know exactly when and where the surveys you signed up for will be and who your partners are.

Our survey project began in 2017, and is generously funded by the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, and Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. This year we’re SO EXCITED to welcome expert advisory support from Gabe Sheoships (Cayuse/Walla Walla; Friends of Tryon Creek Education Director), and Ryan Jacobsen (ODFW OASIS Assistant Project Leader). Gabe will be teaching us about the cultural and ecological significance of Eel, and Ryan will be teaching us fish ID details and survey logistics. We’re so thankful to all funders, contributors, and volunteers that have gotten this project into it’s third year! Don’t forget to register for Orientation (HERE), and feel free to contact Adrienne at with any questions.

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