Johnson Creek Children’s CD – Order Now

songs for johnson creek cover

“Songs for Johnson Creek” CD:  A Great Holiday Gift for the Nature Lovers in your Family.

As featured in Metro Parent’s Holiday Gift Guide.

1) Order via credit card ($15 per CD, plus $1 for shipping) by clicking here.   Be sure to write your shipping address in the box marked “Designation”.


2) Mail a check ($15 per CD, plus $1 for shipping) made out to:

Johnson Creek Watershed Council

1900 SE Milport Road, Suite B

Milwaukie, OR 97222

 Be sure to include your shipping address.   


3) Buy it at one of these local stores:

Milagros  Baby Boutique

Portland Audubon Nature Store

Thinker Toys

Tidee Didee Diaper Service

Portland Children’s Museum


4)  E-mail Matt (matt [at] jcwc [dot] org) about ordering wholesale.

About the album:   Twelve children’s musicians have generously contributed their talents to help keep Portland, Oregon’s Johnson Creek clean and healthy. Proceeds from album sales support Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s ongoing work to enhance habitat for native salmon, trout, and other animals that make the creek their home. Thank you for your support.

To listen to tracks from the album or to download a digital version of the album, click here.

Children’s music  blogger, Zooglobble included “Songs for Johnson Creek” in his recent article, “Reviews from Portland, Kindie Capitol of the World”

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