Cat Mead

Date of volunteer work: 06/28/2017.
Site Name: Johnson Creek Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.5.
Species removed: Himalayan blackberry.
Estimated percent cover before removal10-90.
Approximate square feet of invasives removed100.

I cut back blackberry from several trees and shrubs near the parking area, in a place that is grassy and surrounded by trees, roses (hidden under the blackberry) and other vegetation.

I also took a walk through the northern end of the site – saw large morning glory in bloom up there, as well as tansy ragwort growing in the very northern area (which a couple years ago was totally overgrown with blackberry!). The ragwort had LOTS of caterpillars of the cinnabar moth eating it. It was nice to see that area remaining pretty free of the blackberry, as well as interesting to see what plants have taken hold of the opened up space (mostly non-natives, I think).

In the shady area south of the north tip, the Cooley’s hedge nettle (native) was in full bloom, and the thimbleberries had lots of ripe fruit. The wild cucumber was also fruiting. This area has become massively overgrown in the center with clematis over the last few years.

In the sunny meadow in the south, the spirea were blooming, as well as ocean spray at the border between the meadow and the woods.

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