Carole Miles

Date of volunteer work: 06/29/2018.
Site Name: Powell Butte Nature Park.
Number of hours worked: 2.75.
Field notes:

Sam (JCWC videographer) joined me on this trip to get some footage and interview me for his project. We met at the main parking lot and walked the loop around the top of the butte. Birds we saw included my favorites; kestrel, cedar waxwing, indigo bunting, as well as robins, swallows, song sparrows, spotted towhee, possibly a thrush (not sure on that ID). Logged several plants on inaturalist before my phone died :(. We noted that there are several small oak trees growing on the top of the butte and speculated that in 100 or so years the site may turn into an oak woodland. The grasses have grown significantly since I was there a couple weeks ago. I was very intrigued by several dark moths; they were fairly large with a longish tail, iridescent body, and orange head. Unable to ID or get a picture.

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