Carole Miles

Date of volunteer work: 11/17/2018.
Site Name: Powell Butte Nature Park.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Field notes:

Since it was a windy day, I thought I would march to the top of the butte and look for Kestrels riding the thermals. I was not disappointed. I walked up from the Eastside conduit and the wildhorse trail. There were several Kestrels out; I noticed that they were all on the east flank of the butte and the wind was coming out of the east – they must like the updraft there. Also saw a medium sized hawk with a reddish chest and broad black band on it’s squarish tail. No other birds out braving the wind that I noticed. The flora is all dying down, as expected this time of year, sending nutrients and seeds back to the earth in preparation for new growth in the spring.
Some large leaved avens are still faithfully blooming. The nootka rose have lovely rose hips; noticed most of the bushes also have small clumps of moss growing on them (see pic). Pleased to see all dogs on leashes this trip!

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