C. Towle Ave to Main City Park

Date of survey: 11/08/2016
Volunteer Names: Ashlyn Teather and Kimberly Koller

We started at Towle Ave and continued wading through the creek. It was a sunny day and very nice weather to be out. However, water level was a little high for us during a lot of the stretch. The water got too high for us to stay in the creek right in between SW Florence and SW 7th, so we had to backtrack and get out near SW Florence. We knew the creek was thickly surrounded by blackberries for a majority of the stretch between SW 7th and SW Walter, so we stayed out of the water there and walked the path; meaning we didn’t survey that area. We got back in around the SW Walters, walked a bit in the creek, and got back out a little ways up the creek, and surveyed from out of the water for the rest of Main City Park.

We saw no redds or live salmon or salmon carcasses during any of our survey. However, we did see two groups of little fishes in two different still pools. One was a side channel at: 45.49064, -122.44689. And another was near the fallen log at: 45.49364, -122.44203 (this is also where we had to stop walking in the creek).

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