“Consider celebrating this month by checking out community events that center black experiences, and supporting your local black owned businesses. “- Shared from Partners in Diversity News
PDX Black-Owned Eateries above map is created by Support Black Owned Restaurants.
The Mercury Guide to Black History Month Events: Free- $20
Free Black Celebration Month Events at Reed College
Rather than share specific facts or information about Black History month we invite you to “do the work” involved in learning about and dismantling racism in systems and within ourselves. What does that look like? Please check out these resources below.
There are many resources that we invite you to use to be actively anti-racist.

Me and White Supremacy– by Layla Saad is both a workbook and challenge. Now available in book format.
“When Layla Saad ran a free month-long Instagram challenge during the summer of 2018, she had no idea it would become an international cultural movement.
Me and White Supremacy: A 28-Day Challenge to Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor leads readers through a journey of understanding their white privilege and participation in white supremacy, so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on black, indigenous and people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. The book goes beyond the original workbook by adding more historical and cultural contexts, sharing moving stories and anecdotes, and includes expanded definitions, examples, and further resources.” – Shared from meandwhitesupremacybook

Do the Work Course– By Rachel Elizabeth Cargle. Online free 30- day course to “#dothework”.
“This course is one designed to be an eye opener and a call to action for those who seek to be allies to black women. Going through these daily prompts you will be called to think critically and act tangibly in solidarity. Participating in this will be your first small step in working towards dissolving these systems, institutions and ideologies that continue to negatively affect black women and their communities yet benefit white people in this country. ” -Shared from #dothework