Awesomeness on Earth Day

What a group of awesomeness we had this Earth Day!

We had folks join us from 
Central City ConcernRockwell Automation, Inc. , ToastSWCA Environmental Consultants, 7-11, community members, and neighbors. (Thanks Chris and Janice for letting us use your wheelbarrow!)

Not only did we have a ton of fun, we also:

-mulched thousands of plants,
-planted 100 oaks, 
-removed 4,800 square feet of invasive blackberry and jewelweed 
-protected a beautiful riparian oxbow of Johnson Creek in Gresham, right off the Springwater Corridor Trail!

Thanks much to our partners at the City of Gresham, donors Einstein Bros. Bagels and Starbucks and our sponsors One Tree Planted, and the Mintkeski Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation.

Photo Credits to Caz Zyvatkauskas, Brian Corral, and Toast!

Check out the pictures from the day HERE

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