A look inside this years Martin Luther King Day of Service with Johnson Creek

On Monday, January 20th, 2014 (also known as MLK Day) over 90 volunteers came out to the Eastmoreland Golf Course and spent their Monday morning volunteering, and giving back to their community   Volunteers of all ages participated in streamside planting and removal of invasive species along the banks of the Johnson Creek.

Jermaine Carey, a Virginia native, participated in the event alongside his AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) team and narrated his experience with Johnson Creek’s Martin Luther King Day Volunteer Restoration Event.

“I am a 22 year old currently serving in AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). On January 20, 2014, in service of MLK day and to honor the legacy of a great man, I worked with Johnson Creek Watershed at the Eastmore Land Golf Course. A surprisingly large group of volunteers pulled invasive ivy and grapevine and planted native species to help restore order to the local ecosystem.

In previous years, MLK day was time off school where I would write personal reflections of gratitude toward Martin Luther King Jr.’s exceptional service to America. This year was very special where I was able to see children serve their community this day and show respect for a great man. It was great to mingle with other volunteers as well as share my experiences in AmeriCorps NCCC. JCWC’s volunteer event was very organized, straightforward and fun. Like other volunteers, I left the event feeling accomplished and cheerful.”

–Jermaine Carey

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