Rugg Road
Fish Passage Lat-long: 45.4601, -122.3882 on Badger Creek
Expected Outcomes
Badger Creek is a cold water tributary of Johnson Creek in Boring, Oregon. Cold water tributaries are hugely important to salmon reproduction, especially as climate change continues to impact water temperature in other reaches in the watershed. The two culverts crossing Rugg Road function as a partial fish passage barrier and are in very poor condition. Replacing these culverts will fully open 0.7 stream miles to salmonid spawning habitat.
In addition to fish passage concerns, Rugg Road is an arterial road to many residents in this area. These culverts are so degraded, they are at risk of failing. So, replacing these degraded culverts with a large culvert also will help avoid a road failure. If the culvert collapses, Rugg Road will likely collapse, and many residents will lose access to their homes.
Target Completion – September 2025
Using eDNA testing, the Johnson Creek Watershed Council found steelhead/rainbow trout, coho salmon, and Pacific lamprey at this location in Badger Creek since 2016. In 2022, the Council fixed an important barrier to fish passage just upstream from this project site. Resolving the current fish passage barrier will fully open 0.7 stream miles and – coupled with the previous project – will significantly increase access to cold water habitat.