Elk Rock Island
Channel Enhancement Restoration Lat-long: 45.4351, -122.6454
Expected Outcomes
The concept design for Elk Rock Island includes placement of key pieces of large wood in the back channel alcove and floodplain, management of invasive plants, and restoration of native wetland and riparian plant communities. This project will enhance winter rearing habitat for coho, fall & spring Chinook, Pacific lamprey, and steelhead. The majority of this property is owned by the City of Milwaukie and managed by the North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District, and both entities are in support of this restoration effort. Because this project is adjacent to a public park, there are wonderful opportunities at this site for public education and stewardship events, and interpretive signage.
The proposed project area (left) and the preliminary design (right).
Target Completion – December 2025
Due to geological constraints, very few opportunities exist for back channel enhancements on the Lower Willamette River. This project offers a unique opportunity to improve much needed winter refuge habitat for juvenile anadromous fish migrating out of the watershed.