Stonebridge Apartments​

Located just off of 92nd Avenue in Portland, the Stonebridge Apartments were plagued by drainage issues. The Johnson Creek Watershed Council worked with the landowner to develop a plan that would help alleviate some of their flooding issues and protect Johnson Creek from harmful stormwater runoff.

In the midst of a wet spring, we implemented the first stormwater retrofit project at the Stonebridge Apartments. Over 50 volunteers, board members, and staff from JCWC, and Depave came together to remove pavement from sections of the parking lot.

The initial results have been exciting–the raingardens are already capturing stormwater runoff! Stonebridge has indicated they are interested in developing additional stormwater management on their property.

  • Rain Gardens Completed at Stonebridge Apartments!

    On a rainy Saturday morning in December volunteers completed the final stage of implementation for a stormwater retrofit project at the Stonebridge Apartments, located off of 92nd and bordering Johnson Creek.

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  • Removing Pavement for a Cleaner Johnson Creek

    By Elizabeth Brosig, Restoration Project Manager This fall, JCWC partnered with Depave, a local nonprofit organization that specializes in removing pavement and empowering communities, to complete the first stage of […]

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  • Less pavement for a healthier Johnson Creek!

    Written by Monica Hescheles and Elizabeth Brosig In the midst of a wet spring, the weather was perfect for the first stage of implementation for a stormwater retrofit project at […]

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