Michael Babbit

Date of volunteer work: 04/30/2021.
Site Name: Errol Heights.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

Nice spring day, and the first duckling sighting. A mama wood duck was out with the kids. No goslings seen yet, but the parents are on high alert. Indian plum is fruiting and snowberry, thimbleberry, salmonberry, and elderberry are all flowering. Also found some groups of camas flowering. I suspect they were a recent planting project, as they just appeared this week. Also, the Iris tenax is blooming along the path.
I spent some time digging out some yellow flag iris. Most of it has been killed out but this one patch remained so I removed it. The patch of impatiens is coming back strong, though, something to keep an eye on. Woodpeckers are busy noisily working on their homes. Spotted a red breasted sapsucker for the first time here, and a flicker has made a home in a snag by the bridge.

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