Fearless Leaders take the Watershed by Storm

Our hearts are full of joy after meeting our new Creek Crew leaders for 2019 at our orientation on January 5! These super-volunteers worked together to learn how to lead teams all year for our many volunteer restoration events, then got crowned with new Creek Crew beanies. It’s going to be a strong year for the watershed-we can feel it!!


We had lots of leader pairs this year, too- including:


Mother-son and

Many thanks to our partners at Portland Parks & Recreation and all of our returning Creek Crew Crew (12 of you!) for making our restoration work possible! 💪💚⚡️See more of you at all of our events throughout the year!

Check out a whole facebook album by our volunteer photographer, Colin Durfee, HEREhttps://www.facebook.com/media/set/… Many thanks for these great pics, Colin!


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