Melissa Ribner

Date of volunteer work: 09/13/2018.
Site Name: JCP.
Number of hours worked: 2.
Field notes:

There was a person who set up a little camp site (tarp tent, pillows, mat) in conjunction with a picnic table close to Crystal Springs. He was sleeping there.
Also there has been a large white camper parked on the western most street bordering the west side of the park for quite a while. I saw it there last month too. One of the off leash dogs was resting on the grass by the front door of that trailer. He growled at first, then wanted to play ball.
Saw lots of dog and possibly people poop.
I looked briefly at the east side of the park. There were several worn trails from the parking area to the creek. I walked in a little and didn’t see signs of encampments.

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