Sara Walker

Date of volunteer work: 02/17/2018.
Site Name: Cottonwood Creek.
Number of hours worked: 1.5.
Field notes:

Entered between two houses near SE 92nd Ave and Tenino Ct.

Plants observed:

Upper areas- denser canopy of Red Alder, Western redcedar, Cottonwood, understory of mostly Swordfern and some Oregon grape and Snowberry.

Near the Creek- Juncus and Carex closest to the water, Redtwig Dogwood, Snowberry, Rose.

Open canopy/planted areas- Rose, Spirea, Oregon grape, Twinberry, Snowberry.

Groundcovers/herbs: Nettle, Mint, Lemonbalm, Fringecup, Nipplewort, some trailing blackberry.

Weeds- Dock, Herb Robert, some Armenian blackberry. English Ivy, some Holly.

Other notes:

-Signs of woodpecker activity in trees

-Some trash in creek and at park enterance, but overall amount was minimal.

-Slimemolds, polypore, belt conk fungi observed onsite

-Man and dog in park appeared happy and waved back at me.

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