Farewell to our rock star NCCC crew!

NCCC Team Green 2 are our rock stars of this planting season!

The crew of 10…
-Planted over 12,000 plants in our riparian area.
-Removed massive amounts of invasive species.
-Facilitated service learning trips – from helping 4th graders plant at Johnson Creek Park, to building bug hotels with high schoolers from Mt. Scott Learning Center.
-Planted and laid down pathways for a native plant meditation garden at Lao Buddhist Center

After serving with JCWC for nine weeks, the NCCC Crew is heading back to AmeriCorps NCCC campus in Sacramento. Brandon, Bryn, Dee, Gia, Heather, Michael, Rae, Sarah, Skylar, and Xan: Thanks for all your hard work… we will miss you!

NCCC Crew in two parts – working at Lao Buddhist Center

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