20th Annual Watershed Wide

On Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 hundreds of volunteers will gather at ten sites spanning the watershed for Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s 20th Annual Watershed Wide Event! Individuals, businesses, organizations and other nonprofits unite for an epic day of stream stewardship and community-building at ten priority restoration sites. At each site, volunteers will steward the watershed by removing invasive species, planting native trees and shrubs, and mulching young plantings.

This is our 20th Annual Watershed Wide, so we’re making it extra special: what’s better than just restoration? DRESStoration! We’re all dressing up in fun costumes!  This year our goal is to have over 400 volunteers come out and volunteer, so bring out your friends and best group costumes.

Restoration work parties will take place from 8:45am-12pm, followed by a complimentary pizza party for all participants at 2 locations (where we’ll be having costume contests!). To register for the event, please visit www.jcwc.org/20th-wwe

Our partners this year include The Mintkeski Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, Clackamas County’s Water Environment Services, East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, Portland Parks and Recreation, City of Gresham, Friends of Trees, Crystal Springs Partnership, Friends of Tideman Johnson, Overland Park Coalition, Friends of Powell Butte and Freeway Lands.

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